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Residential design-Zen bathroom



◎Rainbow Weaving Art | Melbourne | Award-winning textile artist

▼ Creation Process/虹織りアート創作▼
Concept board
3D model (Size 1:50)
Floor plan
Perspective (In from the entrance door)
Elevation (In front of the bathing space & door for the bathing space) 
Perspective (Modesty wall. Toilet is located behind this wall)
Legend for the materials
3D conceptual model-Round window
3D conceptual model-Noren curtain
3D conceptual model-Sudare curtain
3D conceptual model-Shoji door
3D concept model-view from above (close up)
3D concept model-view from above
I designed a Zen bathroom. 

My concept was: “Flux–All things are flux and nothing is permanent”, which came from the Japanese term of “Shogyo mujo” (諸行無常 in Japanese).

For details of “Shogyo mujo” is found here:

The brief: 
“Your client is a well-travelled business man who has spent a lot of time in Japan.  He has approached you to design a bathroom that is practical yet reflects his interest in Japanese gardens and Zen philosophy.  The design is to be innovative and contemporary.  You may select the bathroom  functions to be incorporated , but as it is the only bathroom, at a minimum the design must include a shower, basin, and WC.  In designing your space you are to consider the ergonomic requirements and the passage/circulation needs for contemporary bathroom.  your research project will act as a resource document that supports your design solution”  
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(๑ˊ͈ ꇴ ˋ͈)アリガト~









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