A handout for students |
The handout for students |
A concept model that encapsulates the main ideas–Lantern |
Pen holder |
Easy to stuck when not used |
Can be used as a tablet holder |
Interior spaces are sometimes analysed as an area or volume enclosed by an actual or implied container consisting of the walls, floor and ceiling and their materials and finishes, with apertures (doors and windows) and objects — the light fixtures, furnitures, furnishings and other artefacts that complete the interior scheme. Spatial solutions are profoundly influenced by the context or cultural climate in which they are produced.
Your task this semester is to explore the following questions:
-Who were the influential interior decorators and interior designers of the latter half of the 20th century?
-What did their work look like? i.g. architectural/design elements, decoration, colours, finishes, materials etc…
-What ideas and innovations informed and influenced their work?
-What was the social, political, economic, and cultural context in which they were working?
Each student will choose a seminar topic from the list below. There will only be one seminar on ea h topic. Each student is to plan, research, prepare and present an illustrated 20-30 minutes seminar which examines and answers the questions posed above in relation to the allocated seminar topics. Each student’s presentation should critically examine the questions posed in the introduction to this brief. All the stand-up illustrated power-point presentation of their topic to the class.
The seminar topic I chose was “Design in Japan 1945-“
Along with the power point presentation, I had to make a handout for students and a concept model. As for the concept model, I tried to show 5 essentials of Japanese interior design: “Flexibility, Multi-functional use, Natural materials, Subdued colours, Simplicity”.
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