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SOLD【メルボルンで虹織りアート37】販売します!虹織りアート『カラーセラピーもできる幅広レインボーストール』 /Shop a Rainbow Weaving Art 『Large Rainbow Shawl』that can be used for colour therapy

虹織りアート/Rainbow Weaving Art


◎Rainbow Weaving Art | Melbourne | Award-winning textile artist

▼ Creation Process/虹織りアート創作▼






このショールをお使いになってるMegu S.さん(カナダ在住)から、思いがけずすごい感想をいただいて、びっくり!!↓

幅が広くて大判だけど軽めのストールです。でも、軽いけど身にまとうと不思議な温かさ👀 物質的に何かをまとってあったかいというよりも、自分の内側から熱が生まれる感じというのか?🔥


(虹織り)ラグもじんわり痛みを緩和してくれたけど。(ショールは)なんか反応が早い❣ そもそもそんな痛みがあったことがウソのように消えた。


興奮して夫に「すごいの! 腰の痛みだけじゃなくて股関節の痛みも消えた~」

「え? 股関節にも痛みがあったって聞いてないけど」







と、うっかり心配させないように黙っていた痛みを自白してしまいました泣き笑い 不思議です。 ただただ不思議です。






出典:Megu S.さん 体質改善2カ月目突入!⑮続・レインボーその後

















上のかわい子ちゃん『白いピアノのエンジェルスカーフ』の詳細はこちらからご覧になれます♪ (﹡ˆᴗˆ﹡)

ENGLISH Description

Rainbow Weaving Art piece uses chakra colours (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Navy and Purple yarns) for warp. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Each Rainbow Art piece is unique and one-of-a-kind. It uses the free-style weaving technique called, SAORI. Because Rainbow Art piece is freeform and different in colours and pattern from one end to the other, it can look very different any way you wear it. 

Magic of rainbow colours

Colour provides a mirror of your emotions. What is your favourite color? Do you wear certain colors of the spectrum more often? Do you avoid certain colors? 

What do you feel in your body when you see red? Or blue? The visible light spectrum is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and its wavelengths range approximately from 380 – 740 nm. Each of your chakras is vibrating at a particular frequency and responds to different vibrations (or wavelengths) of light. 

As you may have already guessed, the root chakra is vibrating at a frequency within the 400-484 THz range, the sacral chakra within the 484-508 THz range, solar plexus chakra within the 508-586 THz range, etc. Within these frequencies and wavelengths, each color contains information on several different levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. This information can be used in chakra balancing and chakra healing.

Materials – Natural fibres

Rainbow Art works made by YOKO are handwoven with high quality natural fibres, (e.g., Tencel, Silk, Cotton, Silk, Linen and Alpaca Mohair).

The natural fibres are soft, smooth and unlike Polyester, Acrylic, Nylon etc prevent static electricity or itchiness.

The scarves are woven to feel comfortable against the skin. 

Equipments – Japanese floor loom

Handwoven textile is to accept a slower pace. YOKO uses The Japanese floor loom SAORI, which is powered by hand and not electricity. Traditional craft skills make one-off textiles that respect the balance of nature.

Creation Process – Inspiration

Each hand woven piece starts with images, sounds, textures and story rooted in the natural world. Inspiration springs from the flowers, birds, animals, oceans, rivers, lake, water, rain, sunlight, rainbow, forests, trees, leaves, sky. 

Care instruction

Careful calculations are made to ensure your purchase will last for many years but it is important to care for your textile correctly to ensure the rainbow magic & beautiful texture endures. The scarf is loosely woven so that it has a light feel when worn, even though it is made with natural materials. Due to it’s loosely handwoven structure, small blemishes are a natural part of the creative process and are often intentional! Please treat loose fibers with care and enjoy them as a part of the creative wearable piece of art! To preserve the beauty and magic of your Rainbow Art textile it is best to hand wash gently in cold water and and lay flat or hang up to dry. 
[More details] 


Hand washable and hand woven. Great for work, play, travel and other events. The fabric is hypoallergenic. Woven in a clean, smoke-free, pet-free environment. One size fits all. This is a very versatile piece. 

Price for this Rainbow Weaving Art Scarf

Scarf $555 + Shipping

Please note all Yoko’s items are made and shipped from the AUSTRALIA but can be posted internationally. Please get in touch if you’d like a quote.

Please feel free to ask any questions about this product.
Pieces are handwoven and may vary slightly from the photo.

Chakra Balance with Rainbow Colours

Energy healing is an effective way to work with the imbalances in your energy body. Colour therapy consists of utilising the energy of the light – using colours to heal physically, mentally and emotionally. 

Some people wrap themselves in the colours of the nature (the colours of the rainbow), which vibrate in the light and radiation of the Sun.  

Chakra Colours, Location, Meaning

❤️(1) RED – Root/Muladhara chakra: Base of the spine/tailbone.
Meaning: grounding, stability

🧡(2) ORANGE – Sacral/Svadhishthana chakra: Below the belly button and above the pubic bone.
Meaning: pleasure, sexuality, creativity

💛(3) YELLOW – Solar plexus/Manipura chakra: Upper abdomen.
Meaning: self-esteem, confidence 

💚(4) GREEN – Heart/Anahata chakra: Center of the chest, slightly above the heart.
Meaning: love, compassion

💙(5) BLUE – Throat/Vishuddha chakra: The throat.
Meaning: communication

🌎(6) INDIGO – Third eye/Ajna chakra: Between the eyebrows
Meaning: imagination, intuition, visualization

💜(7) VIOLET – Crown/Sahasrara chakra: Top of the head
Meaning: awareness and intelligence

How to do Colour Therapy (Duration: 20 minutes)

Colour Theraphy/色からエネルギーをもらうカラーセラピー

(1) Find a quote place, lie down and make sure you are in a comfortable position. Start by placing your ‘Large Rainbow Shawl with Colour Therapy’ on your chakras. One by one, starting with Root (Muladhara) chakra❤️ and finishing with Crown (Sahasrara) chakra💜 on the top of your head. 

(2) Once you have finished placing all colours, close your eyes and take few deep inhalations and exhalations. Surrender to whatever is, and enjoy the stillness. Focus on your breath, relax and let the chakra colours do their work. Stay here for at least 20 minutes. 

(3) When you feel ready, very gently remove the shawl, starting from the top of the head and moving down to Muladhara. 

(4) Keeping your eyes closed, turn your body to one side, inhale and slowly push yourself up. Sit for couple of minutes. Feel the sensations in your body. When you are ready, stand up.

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(๑ˊ͈ ꇴ ˋ͈)アリガト~









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虹織りアート/Rainbow Weaving Art

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