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Residential design, Warehouse conversion (Concept models)



◎Rainbow Weaving Art | Melbourne | Award-winning textile artist

▼ Creation Process/虹織りアート創作▼


You are to design a warehouse apartment for a selected client (Location: Fenwicks Stone Building. 2-8 Weston St, Balmain, NSW 2041). You are to: 
  • -Identify which client you will select. (I chose “Fashion agent”)
  • -Analyse the site context.
  • -Base your design brief upon meeting the perceived needs, desires and lifestyle requirements of your client. 
  • -Develop conceptual ideas appropriate to your selected client. 
  • -Keep the facade, window and door location.  The internal columns can be ere moved if adequate structural support is provide. 
  • -The stair location can be changed.
  • -Be innovative in your conceptual approach and spatial ideas. 


  • The site is located at 2-8 Weston Street, Balmain East, NSW. 
  • The warehouse conversion into a residential house for Mercedes Beale. 
  • My client Mercedes Beale is an internationally respected fashion agent who travels the globe promoting emerging Australian designers.  
  • She frequently spends months away from Sydney.  Client’s time in Sydney is generally time off.  
  • She requires space for pilates, yoga, and meditation and has developed an interest in the teachings of Buddhism.  
  • The client also requires a small office area and storage space for samples. 
Conceptual board. My concept: “Spool of thread”
Concept model 1 (22/07/2014. View from above). 
Concept model 1(22/07/2014. Side view)
Concept model 2 (22/07/2014. Front)
Concept model 2 (22/07/2014. Side view)
Concept model 3 (22/07/2014. Bed image)
Concept model 4 (22/07/2014. Exterior)
Concept model 4 (22/07/2014. Exterior)
Concept model 4 (22/07/2014. Exterior)
Concept model 4 (22/07/2014. Exterior)

    Concept model 5 (Revised on 28/07/2014)

Concept model 5 (Revised on 28/07/2014)

Conceptual model 5 (Revised on 28/07/2014)

Concept model 6 (Revised on 29/07/2014)
    Concept model 6 (Revised on 29/07/2014)
    Concept model 7 (Revised on 29/07/2014)
    Concept model 7 (Revised on 29/07/2014)

    Concept model 8 (Revised on 05/08/2014)
    Concept model 8 (Revised on 05/08/2014)

Concept model 9 (Revised on 05/08/2014)

    Concept model 9 (Revised on 05/08/2014)
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