⬆︎ (Video borrowed from Keith’s YouTube/上の動画はKeith氏のYouTubeからお借りしました)

Title: Keith Johnstone’s Trance Mask Workshop.
Venue: Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Duration: Once a week for a year for 2004-2005.
[My friend Sharon Adams invited me to Keith Johnstone’s Mask Workshop when I was at the University of Calgary. I participated in the group for about a year. In this mask workshop, I also met Dennis Cahill from The Loose Moose Theatre.
*The Loose Moose Theatre Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loose_Moose_Theatre
Keith Johnstone – trance masks excerpt
Trance Masks excerpt:Keith is famous for inventing Theatresports and other impro formats. His theories on performance are based in his development of comic mask techniques. This is a rare video of him actually teaching. Hi res DVD available at www.candiscstore.com
*Keith Johnstone web: http://www.keithjohnstone.com/
*Keith Johnstone wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Johnstone
*Keith Johnstone book: Johnstone, Keith (1979). Impro: improvisation and the theatre. New York: Theatre Arts Books.

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