Performed in the original piece ‘Er(l)ection Girl’/オリジナルのパフォーマンス・アート作品「Er(l)ection Girl」で演じる
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Performed in the original piece ‘Er(l)ection Girl’/オリジナルのパフォーマンス・アート作品「Er(l)ection Girl」で演じる
◎Rainbow Weaving Art | Melbourne | Award-winning textile artist
▼ Creation Process/虹織りアート創作▼
⬆︎ Drama department located in the Craigie Hall, University of Calgary/カルガリー大学の演劇学部がある建物 (Source:
⬆︎ Drama department located in the Craigie Hall, University of Calgary/カルガリー大学の演劇学部がある建物 (Source:
⬆︎ Drama department located in the Craigie Hall, University of Calgary/カルガリー大学の演劇学部がある建物 (Source:
Performance Details
Er(l)ection Girl. Perf. Yoko Kawabata. The Craigie Hall in the University of Calgary, Calgary. 3 Oct. 2002. [I performed an original solo performance art piece]
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