Performed my original performance art piece for a collaborative art project, ‘Artaud’s Brain'(Vol.1)/オリジナルのパフォーマンスアート作品を「Artaud’s Brain」とコラボ公演(Vol.2)
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Performed my original performance art piece for a collaborative art project, ‘Artaud’s Brain'(Vol.1)/オリジナルのパフォーマンスアート作品を「Artaud’s Brain」とコラボ公演(Vol.2)
◎Rainbow Weaving Art | Melbourne | Award-winning textile artist
▼ Creation Process/虹織りアート創作▼
EPCOR Centre for Performing Arts (Source:
EPCOR Centre for Performing Arts (Source:
Performance Details/パフォーマンス詳細
Title/作品名: Artaud’s Brain.
Directed by/ディレクター: Sharon Adams.
Performers/パフォーマー: Yoko Kawabata, et al.
Venue/公演場所 : The JJ Young Room, EPCOR Centre for Performing Arts, Calgary.
Performed dates/公演日時 : 2, 4, 5 Jan. 2003.
I performed an original solo performance art piece for the collaborative art project at the Mutton Busting Performance Creation/Art Festival, The 2003 High Performance Rodeo.
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