[Source] https://www.amazon.es/Other-Side-Dark-Crackwalker-Tornado/dp/088910378X
Performance Details
I am Yours. By Judith Thompson. Dir. Keith Hann. Perf. Yoko Kawabata, Alexis Bialobzyski, and Andrew Lubrick. The Studio Theatre, The Grande Prairie Regional College, Grande Prairie. Feb. 1998.
[I played the part of “Mercy”]
Play Synopsis: A woman incapable of loving, wreaks havoc on her own life and the lives of the two men with whom she is involved. She becomes pregnant by one of them and an obsessive struggle to determine the fate of the baby ensues. Winner of the Governor General’s Award for Drama, 1989.
Source: https://www.amazon.es/Other-Side-Dark-Crackwalker-Tornado/dp/088910378X
作品名:I am Yours.
演出: キース・ハン。
パフォーマー: 川畑陽子、アレクサス・バイアロズィスキ、アンドリュー・リブリック。
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